Upcoming Events
Kia ora,
Welcome to 2025! I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable break.
Key Information for Term 1, 2025:
Start of Term 1: Monday, 3rd February.
Waitangi Day (Public Holiday): Thursday, 6th February – No School.
End of Term 1: Friday, 11th April – School finishes at 1:00 pm.
Start of Term 2: Monday, 28th April.
Reminders: Please ensure students bring their hats to school, as we have a no hat, no play policy.
Hats are available for purchase at the school office for $5.00 (cash only).
Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Welcome to Henderson South School
Greetings, Kia Ora, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Ni Hao Ma, Bula vinaka, Faka’alofa lahi atu, Buenos dias, Konichi wa.
The Board of Trustees, staff and pupils welcome you and your family to our school. We look forward to your support and interest in the welfare of the school and its pupils.
Our school motto, ‘Caring Sharing Learning’ underpins our school’s philosophy supported by the Henderson South School Ways which involves our collective values.
The Henderson South School Way
Be kind, caring and honest
Have pride in yourself
Show good manners
Have a positive attitude
Respect yourself
Consider others
Follow instructions
Work co-operatively
Play fair
Take care of your own property
Value your school environment
Speak positively